Custom Designed, Turnkey and Cost-Effective.
Custom designed for any type of client or engagement issue, each custom program defines
the number, type, format and interval of the data story to be produced. Chrysalis handles each
project on a full-service, turnkey basis that delivers polished results quickly and affordably.
Long term contracts not required. Changes on-the-fly are both expected and welcome. Fast,
efficient and cost effective.
1/ Identify the audience
Select the individuals to engage with customized reports and alerts.
Specify the size of the group, the nature of the work they do, their
hierarchical place in the organization, and any insights into the
group’s appetite for analytical content.
2/ Select the “container”
Select the individuals to engage with customized reports and alerts.
Specify the size of the group, the nature of the work they do, their
hierarchical place in the organization, and any insights into the group’s
appetite for analytical content.
Chrysalis offers a wide range of lengths and formats for Data Humanization
deliverables. Options include (but are not limited to):
- Mobile Phone-based Alerts
- Single, Full Page Briefing
- 2 to 5 page Updates
- 6 to 20 page reports
- 20 to 50+ page comprehensive studies
Our team will work closely with you to understand the ideal mix of content,
length, format and writing style to perfectly match the audiences you wish
to engage.
3/ Select the delivery interval
Deliverables can be produced for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly
or annual production and delivery. Our experts will work with you
to identify the optimal delivery interval in consideration of the
audiences engaged.
4/ Finalize & activate program
Once we’ve covered the bases with who, what and when, we’ll work
with you to create a pilot project, an ad hoc services agreement,
or scope out a longer term agreement with added value. We don’t
require long term agreements, and are always happy to do pilots to
demonstrate efficacy and ROI.